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Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Favorite Part

Authentic, found, happened-upon rusty goodness!

  In the hustle and grind of finding, hauling, cleaning, repairing, sharing...amazing junk, I'm reminded of why I love doing what we do:  amazing places in unlikely locations and collected treasures are a story all on their own, but what really fills my heart with love for this stuff?  People.  Listening to people talk about the hows, wheres and whys of their "junk".  When you listen to someone and watch them tell their own stories, you can't help but be inspired.  Old stuff, crazy Collectors and my patient, quiet state-of-mind (seriously, patience & quiet do not come easy for me. lol) is the perfect combination for renewing my creative energy.
   Now, where the heck did I put that paintbrush?